Understanding my world

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dear Dot....

I cant wait to meet you, you are a child of transition and privilege. Your arrival was not meticulously planned, you were an unexpected gift, a very precious gift. I had imagined that by the time we have you we will be very well set in our ways, but at this moment we are relatively new to the country with no house or vehicle to our name , we still don't have the right kind of visa to stay permanently. None of the above are big factors, just bridges I had hoped to have crossed before we met you.

Now comes the privilege, you are loved, a lot! You will enter a household that is a very happy place. Don't confuse this with happy people, both me and your mum are ambitious, driven people, this inherently makes us miserable sometimes but as a unit we are very happy and we want to share this with you.

You also have 4 unique grandparents that are dying to spoil you. At 'T minus 1 month" from arrival you already own more clothes than I do. That's a good thing. Maybe.

I can safely say you will have more comforts as a child than any of your parents or grandparents had.

You will have some unique challenges like lack local access to an extended family, I hope you will learn to cope with that.


p.s. I love you more.....


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