Understanding my world

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Do I have the Right to complain?

I’ve been thinking about the immigration reform bill doing the rounds of the US senate and I’m still not sure if I have the right to complain or even if I should be worried.

I’ve seen a few articles on how poor old Indians like me are the people this country should be embracing and how this bill will give Jose his green card for illegally working the fields while poor old Jai who’s done everything by the book will be left hanging when it comes to getting a green card. Should I be afraid that vote banks are going to drown me? Or feel insulted that after bringing all my talent to this country and working my ass off no one really seems to be making crying a river in my name on the national stage? Or should I be pissed off that for ever 3 articles I see about our woe I see one disgruntled US techie that wishes I never came here to take his job. So let me lay this out for you

1) I know I came here on a visa that said I will study here and then leave never to immigrate to this country. Then I got myself a visa that will let me work here for 6 years with a clause that clearly states I will leave when I am done , all the while hoping that some day I get my green card as well.
2) Why do I want this card? What makes the US so special ? I think its because it let me in and let me grow exponentially . If I was the fuel then it was the spark and since neither I nor most others like me have worked in the rest of the developed world we like it here. Its nice!
3) So what happens if it becomes so unbearable that I have to leave. I’ll find a new horizon, may have to start again but coming here has given me enough confidence that I can succeed in most places. I don’t want to leave because my life is on track but if it does jump them there is nothing that ties me here. I need the US just like the US needs me. The next few lines are only meant for people here who think I should leave . YES this country needs me. I bring youth, ambition and perseverance to this country. If I live 6 to a flat and work for less money than you , you have every right to hate me but step back a seconds and see who you really hate , me for doing as much as you do for less . I don’t think you think I’m smarter than you then why is it I have your job. I’ll tell you why. I want it more than you do and that is why I love this place . It was built by people who want it more and I’m sorry your granddad’s granddad got on a ship while my didn’t but I’m here because I could afford a plane ticket.

Just a note:- I’ve never actually met one of these US techies , only read their spews on the internet so either they leave very artificial lives in person or most people in my universe understand how standing beside me is so much better than looking down on me.

4) I don’t hate Jose and I hope most of my peers don’t hate him either. He’s overcome far more difficult obstacles than me to get here and live like a criminal. For what? For wanting something better? In that case why am I not guilty? Just because I had the privilege to go to school and become worthy to come here while all he could do is hope someday he can move north to a better life. There are more Mexicans here because Mexico shares a border with the US if India were in the neighborhood then there would be a lot more desi’s too.
5) So what do I want to do next? I don’t know! All I know is whatever I do, if I don’t become worthy enough to make a difference for the better at least in India if not the world I would have failed like the ones who have come before me and forgotten that some many people need our help and our materialistic ways will leave us empty.

After this I just hope that I haven’t scared you from coming here. I’m waiting for you my love and to every one else drop by it’s a nice place.


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