Understanding my world

Saturday, December 09, 2006

I find myself at another turning point in my life... School comes to an end this week. I'm done with my masters. Over a year of working full time and studying full time and everything is as it should be, my grades a good and works coming along just fine and all I can think of is what's missing. I think it most people call it having a life, thanks to my constraints I've not had one for a while and I've forgotten how its done. That's not the complete truth I've had fun all along the way what I don't have is a plan... Yes that's what it is, I don't have a PLAN. I've always had a PLAN whether it was to get into a good university or work at a a nice place. Now I don't have one , I need my next big challenge that I can either be happy about moving towards or miserable about failing at.

Let me try and explain why I don't have a plan

1) I think I'm growing up and I don't like that - I've wanted a car for quite a while and I know material things don't buy me happiness but they do give me something to think about. Think of them as mini plans , something to look forward to . Suddenly I find myself think in terms of monthly payments and how I could save that money instead and that pisses me off. If I don't get the car I'll be miserable because my mini plan didn't work out if I do get the car (which I know I will ) I'll reminisce from time to time that money could have looked so much better as in my savings account or my portfolio.

2) I wanna do more than just make money. I look at my mom and I hope that some day I'll get to work in some field where I'm actually doing some good. I know I like my toys but I don't want to wake up one day and realize I'm just another materalistic drone. I think this one is going to be a doosie considering it will impact more than just my life but one thing is for certain I will spend some portion of my life working for the poor.

I hope I find one soon..


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